Beckmann Rasofert® long-acting organic mineral fertiliser 12+3+5+45% organic matter content 25 kg

Beckmann Rasofert® long-acting organic mineral fertiliser NPK 12+3+5 + 45 % organic matter content with 3 % magnesium - Healthy, dense lawns crowd out weeds and moss! - Optimum combination of natural and mineral nutrients - Long-lasting, even action - Easy, easy to spread - 1-3 mm fine particles - Recommended application rate: approx. 50 g/m2 Pa... Podrobný opis
67,52 € (netto cena : 53,17 €)

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Beckmann Rasofert® long-acting organic mineral fertiliser
NPK 12+3+5 + 45 % organic matter content
with 3 % magnesium
- Healthy, dense lawns crowd out weeds and moss!
- Optimum combination of natural and mineral nutrients
- Long-lasting, even action
- Easy, easy to spread
- 1-3 mm fine particles
- Recommended application rate: approx. 50 g/m2
Packaging: 5kg, 15kg, 25 kg
Beckmann Rasofert® lawn fertilizer has a natural long-lasting effect thanks to its horn manure.
High quality organic mineral fertilizer for complete nutrient replenishment and simultaneous soil improvement.
Ideal for lawns, sports fields, playgrounds and grass sunbathing areas.
- Fast, long-lasting and uniform action
- Produces a lush green, hard-wearing lawn
- effective against moss growth
- increases the resistance of grasses
- harmless to humans and animals on contact
Because of its high proportion of organic nutrients, which nourish the grass for several months, this fertiliser is particularly suitable for improving less well-maintained lawns.
The mineral nutrients provide a rapid but not too strong immediate nitrogen effect.
Thanks to a coordinated combination of fast- and slow-acting forms of nitrogen, this key nutrient is available to grasses as needed, even for longer fertilisation cycles of more than two months.
The organic nitrogen does not feed the plant directly, but the soil biota. This increases the activity of organisms in the soil and forms humus. Adequate
humus content is necessary to provide the nutrients required and to correct (possible) fertilisation errors.
Lawn manure can be used from March to October on both dry and wet lawns. Apply the fertiliser evenly to the area using a spreader or by hand. If used in the dry season, water the area after application.
Recommended application rate:
Spring and maintenance fertilisation: approx. 50 g/m2
Autumn fertilisation and sowing: approx. 35 g/m2
If the lawn is in a very poorly nourished condition: approx. 100 g/m2
Re-fertilisation after 8-12 weeks.
Hmotnosť: 25 kg
Aviability: 1-4 nap
Basic sales unit: db
Culture: Pázsit

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