Terrahumin 5 l

Characterisation of Terrahumin: Application: The product can be used mainly on cereals, maize, sunflower, rape, soybean, apple, sorghum, guava, sugar beet, potato, tobacco, at a dose of 2-4 l/ha, applied at a rate of 200-400 l/ha of water. (Detailed application rates are available in the downloadable material below!) For other crops, consult you... Podrobný opis
54,02 € (netto cena : 42,54 €)

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Characterisation of Terrahumin:


The product can be used mainly on cereals, maize, sunflower, rape, soybean, apple, sorghum, guava, sugar beet, potato, tobacco, at a dose of 2-4 l/ha, applied at a rate of 200-400 l/ha of water. (Detailed application rates are available in the downloadable material below!) For other crops, consult your crop advisor!

A mixing test must be carried out before co-application with pesticides and other crop protection products. Avoid exposure to strong sunlight, windy weather and heavy rain during application.


- Humic acid content: 3,5 m/m%.

- N content: 5 m/V%.

- P2O5 content: 10 m/V%.

- K2O content: 2,5 m/V%.


Formulation containing humic and fulvic acids, macro-, meso- and microelements. K-Humate,

fertilizers, water.

Humic acid content at least:

3,5 (m/m%)

N content:

5,0 (m/v%)

P2O5 content:

10.0 (m/v%)


2.5 (m/v%)

Meso- and microelement content (m/v%):

CaO 0.05; MgO 0.08;

SO3 0,7; B 0,008; Cu 0,006; Fe 0,04; Mn 0,01; Mo 0,001; Zn 0,005

Refrigeration, shelf life guide:

3 years in original, sealed packaging.

Mechanism of action:

The humic and fulvic acids in the product, through their natural complexing properties, are able to deliver nutrients and compounds directly to plant cells, enhancing their utilization. In general, they stimulate the physiological processes in plants, restore chemical balance, harmonise and activate plant life processes. They increase stress tolerance, stimulate growth and yield. Humic acids primarily promote root mass growth, thereby increasing the uptake of nutrients and water from the soil. Fulvic acids act through the vegetative tissues during foliar fertilisation.

Hmotnosť: 5 kg
Aviability: 1-4 nap
Basic sales unit: db
Culture: Gyümölcs, Szőlő, Zöldség

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