Cherry tomatoes Vilma 10 seeds Kiepenkerl
Richly productive bush tomatoes for patio, balcony or beds.
An easy-to-grow variety with lots of crunchy berries.
Planting from February to April, sowing depth 0,5-1 cm.
Germination 10-14 days at 20-25°C.
Pin in pots after emergence, can be sown after spring frosts.
Row and plant spacing 50 cm X 40 cm.
Harvesting: from July to October.
Podrobný opis
2,00 € (netto cena : 2,00 €) | |
2,22 € | |
0,22 € (10%) | |
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1-5 nap
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Richly productive bush tomatoes for patio, balcony or beds.
An easy-to-grow variety with lots of crunchy berries.
Planting from February to April, sowing depth 0,5-1 cm.
Germination 10-14 days at 20-25°C.
Pin in pots after emergence, can be sown after spring frosts.
Row and plant spacing 50 cm X 40 cm.
Harvesting: from July to October.
An easy-to-grow variety with lots of crunchy berries.
Planting from February to April, sowing depth 0,5-1 cm.
Germination 10-14 days at 20-25°C.
Pin in pots after emergence, can be sown after spring frosts.
Row and plant spacing 50 cm X 40 cm.
Harvesting: from July to October.
Hmotnosť: | 0.005 kg |
Šírka: | 140 mm |
Výška: | 80 mm |
Dĺžka: | 1 mm |
Aviability: | 1-4 nap |
Basic sales unit: | db |
Culture: | Zöldség |
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