Chili pepper Trinidad Scorpion Rocalba 8 seeds

1.2 MILLION Scoville strength. one of the strongest peppers in the world. Named for its shape, which resembles the tail of a scorpion. The plant grows to a height of 80-90 cm. When you bite into it it has a great flavour, it doesn't seem strong at first but then it really starts to build up that hellish pungent sensation. Used in small quantit... Podrobný opis
2,88 € (netto cena : 2,00 €)
3,20 €
0,32 € (10%)
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1.2 MILLION Scoville strength. one of the strongest peppers in the world.

Named for its shape, which resembles the tail of a scorpion. The plant grows to a height of 80-90 cm.

When you bite into it it has a great flavour, it doesn't seem strong at first but then it really starts to build up that hellish pungent sensation. Used in small quantities it makes delicious sauces and gravies. Trinidad Moruga Scorpion has a fruity flavour, which is a sweet and mild combination.

It prefers a hot environment for ideal growth.
It is sun-loving.
Hmotnosť: 0.001 kg
Šírka: 140 mm
Výška: 80 mm
Dĺžka: 1 mm
Aviability: 1-4 nap
Basic sales unit: db
Culture: Zöldség

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