Pl rondo rotačná vložka alebo pruhový zavlažovač (čierny)
The Plastro Rondo blue rotating insert must be inserted between the Rondo bridge and the nozzle. The blue rotating insert is used in a suspended position if a smaller diameter irrigation radius is required, as the nozzle is designed to deliver water at a lower angle of discharge.
Podrobný opis
0,17 € (netto cena : 0,13 €) | |
1-4 nap
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1-5 nap
Po zadaní objednávky Vám kuriér v priebehu 1-7 pracovných dní doručí zásielku, o ktorej budete informovaný v emaily.
The Plastro Rondo blue rotating insert must be inserted between the Rondo bridge and the nozzle. The blue rotating insert is used in a suspended position if a smaller diameter irrigation radius is required, as the nozzle is designed to deliver water at a lower angle of discharge.
Aviability: | 1-4 nap |
Basic sales unit: | db |
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