KPE Tkus vnútorný 25X3/4X25

- KPE pipe connection diameter: 25 mm - Thread size: 3/4" inch female threaded nipple - Female threaded connection - Cheap plastic Kpe Fitting, Fitting - Installation: for cold water, irrigation, drinking water - Dismountable, reusable Kpe fitting can be used to branch from a Kpe pipe with internal thread BM to an external thread KM fitting. Podrobný opis
2,04 € (netto cena : 1,61 €)

1-4 nap info
Po zadaní objednávky a prijatí produktu (1-4 nap) na sklad, Vám ju pripravíme a zašleme SMS alebo email o možnosti vyzdvihnutia v obchode (Gazdabolt_2, pondelok - piatok 8:00 - 17:00 ).
1-5 nap info
Po zadaní objednávky Vám kuriér v priebehu 1-7 pracovných dní doručí zásielku, o ktorej budete informovaný v emaily.
- KPE pipe connection diameter: 25 mm

- Thread size: 3/4" inch female threaded nipple

- Female threaded connection

- Cheap plastic Kpe Fitting, Fitting

- Installation: for cold water, irrigation, drinking water

- Dismountable, reusable

Kpe fitting can be used to branch from a Kpe pipe with internal thread BM to an external thread KM fitting.
Aviability: 1-4 nap
Basic sales unit: db

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